Kevin Hadley
His latest series is inspired by our long lunches out and about, chats around the dinner table and the obligatory Friday debrief!

As you may know by now, Kevin Hadley is my husband and he has recently returned to painting. When we first got together he was an 18 year old art foundation student and I was in the second year of my A Levels. I loved being an art student groupie and was always super impressed with his artistic endeavours.
After he finished at art college, he chose to go down the route of a degree in product design in London and moved away from the more arty side of things. It paid off, he got a first class honours degree, won a few design awards and then settled back in Devon as teacher of Design & Technology. Most of his painting time over the last 20 or so years has been of the wall or woodwork variety during our house renovations!

He is not really on Instagram, he leaves that to me… but he does take a lot of my photos. His eye for detail and composition is something I really like in his work, both photographically and artistically. He has a habit of leaving the house before dawn on his bike, hitting the coast or moors and taking the most amazing snaps when the natural light is simply magical. I’ve persuaded him to dig out some of his best ones which will soon be available to buy as limited edition prints.
In the last year or so he has treated himself to some art materials and started painting again. He has had a couple of commissions but has mainly been painting to find a style that he is happy with. He works mainly in acrylic with some sketches using crayon and ink. He has a loose style, breaking studies into simple tonal values yet keeping the colours and select details. I hope you too can feel the enjoyment he takes from his mark making.

Long Lunches & Table Top Tales
His latest series is inspired by our long lunches out and about, chats around the dinner table and the obligatory Friday debrief!